Iniziazione al contatto con lo spirito guidaINITIATION TO CONTACT WITH THE SPIRIT GUIDE
by Paola Pierpaoli

Ed. Mediterranee January 2004
Euro 7.95

This book, completely dictated by the Spirit Guides and those who contributed to the writing of the book with their personal experiences, introduces how to get in touch with the Spirit Guide, that accompanies us from our birth, but may help us transcend our karma only when we consciously decide to contact it.
The writer draws on her twenty years’ experience as an astrologer to give us the key to the spiritual journey that each of us is called to make on Earth.
There are lots of references to American Indian culture, since the Guides themselves have suggested the analogy between it and search for contact with the Spirit Guide.

This book  may be ordered through Edizioni Mediterranee or Amazon.

Excerpt from the book