

Channeling training course

Esperienze di Luce offers a two year Channeling training course following the method concept created by its founder Paola Pierpaoli, amply described in her books and on this site.
In this method channeling is understood as the possibility to communicate with all the invisible world of light (Angels, Archangels, the Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Masters, nature devas, the deceased) via one’s Angel Guide or personal main Spirit Guide.
In the course besides channeling, which is dealt with experientially, great attention is given to tending to the body and psyche, and a healthy rapport with the environment in which one lives and works.
Indeed a good channeler may not do without continuous work on himself to reach the emotional hygiene necessary for communicating with the world of invisible light.
Exactly for this reason in the Channeling training course we include subjects such as bioenergetics, elements of branches of oriental body work that develop a good psychophysical balance, feng shui, crystal therapy work, spiritual gardens.
Paola Pierpaoli herself teaches the channeling section, whilst the other listed courses above are taught by specialist teachers.

For the dates of the training course consult the Events section on the site

Angel Guide or main Spirit Guide (seminars and individual sessions)

As we already said, the activation of contact with the Angel Guide or main Spirit Guide is considered, in the Esperienze di Luce method, the basis for any other type of communication with the invisible world.
Even if you don’t feel the need to develop channeling in all its possibilities of communication with the invisible world as we said already, you may activate contact with your and others’ Angel Guide or main Spirit Guide, simply because contacting one’s own Angel Guide and that of others is a very rewarding experience which improves daily life and relationships.
It’s possible to contact your own Angel Guide and that of others in three individual sessions or two days’ seminar. This will suffice to perceive the Angel Guide ‘s presence in our life and the presence of the Angel Guide of other people, not least to call Angels for their help in daily life.
All the same, to become self sufficient in the contact with the Angel Guide, that is to be able to pose questions and to be sure that the replies really come from the Angel, and not from your own mind, a major number of individual sessions and/or an advanced seminar is needed.
The individual sessions may be requested from Paola Pierpaoli all year, whilst seminars will be posted in the Events section on this site

For the dates of the two days’ seminar consult the Events section on the site
For individual sessions click here

The Angel Guide and the Higher Self (course)

Esperienze di Luce also offers a course entitled The Angel Guide and the Higher Self in order to learn to distinguish these two entities, and enter into communication with both.
The “Angel Guide” is a Being of Light endowed with its own never incarnated existence, which accompanies us at least for the span of one of our incarnations.
The Angel Guide has three main functions:
it protects us lovingly in daily life
it protects us lovingly in communication with the invisible world
it knows our souls’ evolutionary aim and helps us fulfill this aim with mindful advice.
The Higher Self is our divine side. The Higher Self has in common with the Angel Guide the knowledge of the developmental destiny of our soul and urges us to fulfill it, always in a loving way, but a little more severely than the Angel Guide.
From the point of view of spiritual assistance in the evolution of the soul, the Angel Guide may seen as the “mother”, and the Higher Self “the father”.
To be true in terms of spiritual assistance in the evolution of the soul we need both, just as a child needs both a mother and a father.

For the dates of this course consult the Events section on the site

Nature Devas (seminar)

Esperienze di Luce periodically also offers a seminar on learning to contact nature devas.
In Esperienze di Luce’s method devas of nature are contacted through the filter of the Angel Guide, like any other communication with the invisible world.
Besides the part specifically dedicated to channeling which is the main part, in this seminar elements for creating garden and terrace projects are given, and for how to plant seeds and plants, in that Esperienze di Luce pays great attention to the physical and material sides of life, with the intent of rendering the relationship with daily life more respectful and harmonious, and therefore more sacred.
In this seminar Paola Pierpaoli herself teaches the channeling section, while a specialist teaches garden planning.

For the dates of this seminar consult the Events section on the site


Karmic astrology

Basic course in karmic astrology

Experiences of Light association offers a basic course in karmic astrology given by Paola Pierpaoli, whose experience in the field of astrology stretches over thirty years.

The course starts from scratch and is open to all.

Through 20 weekly lessons of two hours each via Skype, the course allows you to follow the lessons easily from home.

Furthermore, the use of a drop box, a simple tool to manage,  allows participants to communicate with each other and with the teacher, something particularly useful especially in the analysis   of birth charts graphs stage.

At the end of the course participants will obtain a certificate stating that they are in possession of the tools needed to read an individual birth chart from a  karmic viewpoint (karmic horoscope) and to interpret planetary transits.

Those who want to do further study may continue with more advanced courses in astrology, by arrangement with the teacher.

The basic course of karmic astrology starts each time a small group of 4 people is formed.

Sign up now!


Over many years of experience, Paola Pierpaoli found the particular importance in the analysis of a chart from a karmic view of the lunar nodes, the two positions of the Black Moon and asteroids. Especially the two positions of the Black Moon and the analysis of the asteroids are generally ignored both in classical astrology and karmic astrology, and here will be the subject of study in the basic course of karmic astrology, along with other more traditional elements.

Each lesson is both theoretical and experiential, meaning that in each session we will analyze birth charts in relation to the topic of the lesson, and, as we proceed in our study, the analysis will be more complete.

Furthermore, the teacher will guarantee supervision of a number of birth charts that participants will analyze on their own or in self-created study groups in order to give everyone the chance to practice.

  • The zodiac signs
  • The Ascendant and the Midheaven
  • Meaning of the houses   traditionally and from a karmic view
  • Meaning of the houses traditionally and from a karmic view
  • Meaning of planets traditionally and from a karmic view
  • Meaning of planets traditionally and from a karmic view
  • Retrograde planets
  • Aspects between planets
  • Aspects between planets
  • The lunar nodes in the signs
  • The lunar nodes in houses
  • The two positions of the Black Moon in the signs
  • The two positions of the Black Moon in houses
  • Meaning of Chiron in the signs and houses
  • Meaning of Chiron in the signs and houses
  • Asteroids
  • Progressed Moon
  • Progressed Moon
  • Planetary transits
  • Planetary transits


The Tarot

Tarot reading course

Experiences of Light association offers a course of Tarot reading by Paola Pierpaoli.

The content of this course is both theoretical and experiential: drawing on her thirty years of experience in the use of the Tarot, Paola Pierpaoli explains the symbolism of the alchemical journey inherent to the Major Arcana and the significance of the Minor Arcana, and provide tools and techniques for divination with the Tarot.

A mindful reading of the Tarot allows clearer understanding of oneself and others, and leads to a better handling of situations. In some cases, but not always (see subsectionTarot) it allows one to know the outcome of a situation.

Through 14 weekly lessons of two hours each, the course allows everyone to comfortably follow the lessons from home.

Furthermore, the use of a simple drop-box enables participants to communicate with each other and with the teacher, which is particularly useful especially at the stage where you start to practice reading with the Tarot.

At the end of the course participants will obtain a certificate stating their knowledge and expertise in the use of the Tarot.

 The course of Tarot Reading begins every time a small group of 4 people is formed. Sign up now!